Compare anything on the internet service

Comparisons is a content project with different brands, products or services in comparison with each other

Logo and website design
Steps and tools
Wireframing, design. Figma, Illustrator
Project duration
1 month
Implementation date
August 2020

Texts, photos, videos, tables, any different types of information in one place

Add any product

You could add to comparison any product of any brand from the database or even your own

Search for comparisons

You could search any product to view the recent comparisons or view the most popular ones


All the comparisons automatically generate top of the brands, products, or services


Users could filter all the information on the website. For example, just to view all the last video content regarding the product


Brand page has top of the products based on the all the comparisons at the website

Author's page

Each material at the website has an author. At the author’s page you could view the social networks links

All the brands

We have all the companies and all the brands collected in one page with the old school alphabet ranking

All the mockups

We have prepared all the mockups and elements for the project for all of the responsive screens